Brexit Food/Food supplements

Brexit Food/Food supplements

Food Sector is highly regulated in EU. The European Regulations will cease to apply in the United Kingdom once it no longer forms a part of the EU. Also, there will no longer be an imperative to implement European regulations in the UK. Access for European regulations on the UK market and access for UK regulations on the EU market will therefore depend on the common European framework. During  the transition period, the EU Regulatory framework remain in force. However, post Brexit, it can be expected that food business operators shall anticipate the shift in the Regulatory landscape.

Based on the existing EU Regulatory framework, Food/Food supplements generally do not require prior market approval. This will also imply for the UK market. However, after the transition period and post Jan 01, 2021 where the UK will be considered as third country, UK Food/Food Supplements marketed in the EU will have to meet the EU requirements. The other way around is much less clear, which states Regulatory rules of UK will be applicable for European Food/Food supplements to be marketed in the UK as official regulations of UK are not rolled out. This will depend on the rules applicable in the UK replacing the EU Regulatory framework.

As of Withdrawal dates, EU rules on quality schemes no longer apply to the United kingdom in particular to following:

  • Food labelling, information, health and identification marks:
    • Mandatory presentation of origin of product
    • Labelling of name or business name and address of EU importer of food from the UK
    • Mandatory health or identification marks
  • Food ingredients, food composition, contaminants & residue limits
    • Authorization by the Commission
    • Composition requirements
    • Food contact material/article requirements
  • Establishment requirement for FBO & their representative
  • Food of animal origin : As of withdrawal date the importation of food of animal origin from UK into EU is prohibited, unless certain requirements are met as per the regulations (EC) No 853/2004 and (EC) No 854/2004
  • Food of non-animal origin- The importation of food of non-animal origin is not subject to listing requirements of third countries.
  • Irradiated food- As of withdrawal date the import of irradiated from UK into EU is prohibited, unless the irradiation facilities in the UK are listed by the Commission.
  • Certificates of organic production -  For products placed on the EU market as of the withdrawal date, the certificates issued by control authorities and bodies in the United Kingdom are no longer valid.
  • As of the withdrawal dates, import/export licenses issued by the UK as an EU Member State based on Union law are no longer valid for shipments to the EU from third countries or vice versa

Freyr Expertise

Freyr, with a proven Regulatory expertise and global presence, can assist you for post Brexit changes. For Regulatory assistance, Freyr is prepared to:

  • Help you to keep up to date on the impending Regulatory changes and help you through the transition.
  • Assists with the amendments to food/food Supplement labels that will be mandatory
  • As of the withdrawal dates, import/export licenses issued by the UK as an EU Member State based on Union law are no longer valid, we would assist you with the licenses as per the changes

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  • Blogs

    Brexit: The MHRA and The Proposed eSubmission Portal

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  • White Papers

    Impact of COIVD – 19 on FMCG Supply Chain Regulatory Compliance

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  • Case Studies

    Expedited Product Classification and NIOSH Certification for N95 Respirator

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